"The First sequel" - Case Study
Motion capture and of an 8-page comedic sketch set in prehistoric era. Pipeline included Optitrack Motive, Metahuman Creator, 3D Draper, Blender, Motionbuilder, and Unreal Engine, with final edit and audio mixed in Davinci Resolve.
Camera placements in Unreal Engine, followed by final environment design based on filling frame, including final lighting, set dressing and prop creation and placement, cave wall painting design as decals, and background character creation and placement.
Character conceptualization done in Metahuman Creator, and set design and initial level block out done in Unreal Engine.
Optitrack motion capture system used to capture performances of two actors portraying 5 different characters during a single 6-hour motion capture session, along with facial tracking and audio. Retarget in Motionbuilder, then import in Unreal.
Cave clothing was designed in 3D Draper for specific wardrobe elements requiring cinematic cloth simulations. Further skeletal mesh, weight-painted character wardrobe made in Blender, some assets acquired from CG Trader and modified. Physics-based props were also designed to simulate in engine.
Custom Metahuman hair grooms created in Blender, including arm and body hair for more realistic human look on exposed arms, chest, and legs of the characters.
Final renders from Unreal were edited in Davinci resolve, along with audio design, balance, and foley.